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 windows 8&7 Build 7850 Activator (Crack

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windows 8&7 Build 7850 Activator (Crack 710
ذكر عدد المساهمات : 127
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/04/2013

windows 8&7 Build 7850 Activator (Crack Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: windows 8&7 Build 7850 Activator (Crack   windows 8&7 Build 7850 Activator (Crack Icon_minitimeالإثنين سبتمبر 02, 2013 5:42 am

windows 8&7 Build 7850 Activator (Crack 785020110424000741

Windows 8's Timebomb and activate it. I know there are billions ways and tutorials to activate this stuff but this is the easiest way I think.

1. How does it work?
Simply. Timebomb is removed by replacing tokens and store folders by Windows 7 Enterprise's ones (build 7600). Activation is done by ZWT's KMS Keygen which allows you to activate Windows (and Office) VL offline.

2. Instructions:
Click Remove Timebomb - watermark should disappear
Click Activate
Restart the system
Repeat activation every 180 days.

No ****ing watermark, timebomb, activation!

3. Additional info

You can enable or disable Watermark after successful activation. You can also enable hidden features like RibbonUI and Modern Task Manager, PDF Reader, WebCam.

If you have any problems, try running application and look into C:\Activator folder. There are all the files Activator use. This folder will be moved and hidden in further releases.

4. Known Issues
You can overwrite backups by patched one so it will **** the recover
Timebomb Status may be not refreshed sometimes


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windows 8&7 Build 7850 Activator (Crack
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